Holistic Core Restore® Everywoman
Introducing the EVOLUTION of Pelvic Floor and Core Fitness!
Welcome to Holistic Core Restore®, the evolution of pelvic floor and core fitness.
There is a programme for every woman at every life phase within the Holistic Core Restore® suite of programmes. Learned once, they last a liftetime.
The programmes are for women who typically have experienced some degree of back pain, pelvic floor, pelvic organ or core dysfunction and now want to take back control.
The starting point for most women is the Holistic Core Restore® ‘Every Woman‘ programme which truly is a gift that keeps giving and one that EVERY WOMAN should give herself at least once in her lifetime!
Alternatively you may want to work on healing your Diastasis Recti or want a bespoke programme to get you back on track in a safe and effective way after a C-Section. Have a browse through the programmes to find the right one for YOU!
This Programme is for you if you answer ‘YES’ to most of these questions….
- Are you a woman who wants to have a stronger and better functioning Pelvic Floor that does its job when you jump, sneeze, cough, laugh or run?
- Are you a woman who wants to reconnect to your Core and have a better looking and stronger belly?
- Are you a woman who has ‘lower back pain’ issues and been told is due to a ‘weak Core’ and so you need an easy to do and time efficient exercise programme that actually works?
- Have you been performing your ‘squeeze and lift’ exercises fairly regularly but still don’t have the confidence in your Pelvic Floor you think you should?
- Are you a woman that wants an easy to perform ANYWHERE, modern and effective way to strengthen her abdominals, back and Pelvic Floor that will last a lifetime?
- Do you have a small Diastasis Recti (Tummy Gap) after Pregnancy (no matter how long ago) that you want to heal?
- Do you want to return to jogging, running or more athletic activities but lack confidence because of small leaks?
- Do you want a better looking belly after having babies but really know that it’s an inside-out job so need to go deeper and work smarter than just doing sit-ups and planks?
- Are you ready to prioritize this area of your health and learn ESSENTIAL exercises that will last you FOREVER!
- Do you want to learn the importance of food for not only to help you lose any excess pounds but to help you nourish your Pelvic/Core and overall health?
- Have you seen a clinician about a slight or low level Prolapse and been told to ‘do your Pelvic Floor exercises’ as part of your management strategy but you don’t know where to start?
- Have you had a Hysterectomy and now feel out-of-touch with your Core and Pelvic Floor and both want to and need to start exercising again but know you need supportive strategies?
- Are you fed up about being in the dark about your own body and really want to take the time to understand how you can support it to work better?
- Are you ready to learn the importance of ‘rest’ and ‘self-care’ in your wellness journey and take an hour a week JUST FOR YOU!?
In 6 -12 weeks, with regular homework you’ll be the owner of a stronger back, a better-looking tummy and of course a stronger and better-functioning Pelvic Floor.
“This is an excellent programme that really delivers results. I would recommend this to anyone who needs to focus on their core and pelvic floor” – feedback from a Holistic Core Restore® client after her 6 week course
Take a look at what women have to say about the courses I’ve led here.

How Does it Work?
- On application to join the programme, I will ask you to complete an online pre-screen to see if the programme is right for you and ask for payment.
- I then meet with you to go through the pre-screen and check your core function to make sure that the programme can be tailored to your needs.
- At your first session you’ll receive your Holistic Core Restore® education booklet and the kit you need to complete the homework exercises on the course.
- You will also receive login details via email allowing you access to additional filmed homework exercises, healing education and nutrition and recipe information.
- The LIVE programme runs for 6 weeks and we meet for a class once a week during this period. Additionally, you will be asked to complete your homework exercises 4-5 times during the week. The homework exercises are progressed over the course of the 6 weeks, so as your strength and co-ordination improves, you become more challenged.
- The following 6 weeks is run ONLINE with two weekly filmed workouts from myself and Jenny Burrell for you to continue and consolidate the efforts and gains you have made.
- I make very regular contact with you throughout the course to ensure you understand what you need to do and are actually doing the work. You will receive full support to ensure that you have the best opportunity to get the results you want.
To find out about courses and venues click here
Additionally, I also have links with Women’s Health Physiotherapists. As your coach, I’m well aware that incontinence issues sometimes need to be referred to medical professionals and will facilitate and support you connecting with the right specialist to get you what you really need. This programme is in the business of solving problems, giving women a voice to ask for help and not glossing over your concerns. We’ll also have a few laughs while doing it 🙂
Course dates and venues are here.
Take a look at what Jenny Burrell (founder and creator of the programme) has to tell you.
Virtually Live courses during the Covid-19 lockdown and beyond