Love your legs!

It’s unusual for me to write about a body part that isn’t the pelvic floor or abdominal muscles BUT I felt compelled to say a few words as conversation has turned to legs a number of times in the last week or so!

To put this into context, I am writing this blog post in the middle of what some are calling a heatwave, however,  given it’s early July, I think we can just call it SUMMER!

The temperature has hit the late twenties, early thirties for the last week or so and the forecast looks good for at least another week at least.

Working out is hot, hot, hot and conversations have occurred at the start of classes around SHORTS and how comfortable we are to wear them…. pale legs, cellulite, hair that’s not been addressed (should it?) thread and varicose veins, tan lines, those little red hair follicles, too skinny, too fat – all of these things that go through our mind when we bare our legs…… but here’s the thing – how comfortable do we truly feel working out in skin tight lycra in this heat? I for one am donning the shorts and #crackingon because the feeling of air on my legs sure beats the discomfort of feeling too hot.

As a wise young lady said to me last week, ‘I just behave as though my legs are long and tanned and then I forget about them and just feel comfortable’. That’s an attitude I love.

I also have gratitude for these pins because amongst may things, they get me from A to B, they are strong and healthy, they help me earn my living and they make a lovely cat rest in the evenings whilst watching Love Island! I am just sorry that I broke one aged 10 because one thing’s for sure – wearing a full leg cast over an entire summer sucks a whole lot more than baring the flesh!!

Oh and by the way – my Athlete 12 completers are enjoying a whole load of extra leg strength…. drop me line if you want to know more or just take a look….. a new intake will be starting soon!


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