…..and breathe

This week I was nominated to write 3 posts on Facebook over three days, each day listing 3 things that were really positive about my day, or for which I was grateful. I had seen other people’s and enjoyed them, occasionally thinking how blessed their lives seemed. It was my turn and I was pleased.

What surprised me was how sometimes it was DEAD EASY! Perhaps due to my mood and frame of mind, or perhaps because that day had been particularly positive. On other days, whilst not being ‘bad’ days, they were just normal days, following my usual routines, passing quickly and seemingly without event. Unsurprisingly, on those days it seemed harder to pin down anything in particular. I had to go quiet and I had to think. It was only when I allowed a little stillness in that the good things appeared bright and bold. Huge. Stuff that I take for granted everyday.

Taking time to breathe, to think and to allow a little stillness was all that was needed to see things clearly and brighten things up.

It was no coincidence that this week in the Holistic Core Restore® classes we finished with a 10 minute mindful meditation. 10 minutes of quiet focus. Self care, space to breathe. Try it!

The quieter you become, the more you can


If you’re keen to find out more about the next Holistic Core Restore® course – a movement based, holistic way to build core strength and improve the function of your pelvic floor, contact me here.